The Hyundai Santa Cruz Is the Right Truck for Most Budget Shoppers

Ethel Walsh

<\/div><\/div>”],”filter”:”nextExceptions”:”img, blockquote, div”,”nextContainsExceptions”:”img, blockquote, a.btn, a.o-button”,”renderIntial”:true,”wordCount”:350}”> Right now is a challenging time to buy a new car. Restricted materials supply is limiting production volumes, forcing automakers to focus near-exclusively on high-margin luxury cars. At the same time, pandemic-fueled interest in outdoor recreation has caused demand for adventure-capable vehicles to soar. […]

Kia, Hyundai, Jeep, Ford & Genesis Win Best from

Ethel Walsh

Auto-shopping marketplace Cars and™ (NYSE: Autos) introduced the winners of its once-a-year Ideal Of awards method, which highlights winners in six categories: Greatest Loved ones Motor vehicle, Ideal Luxurious Motor vehicle, Most effective SUV, Best Electric powered Car or truck, Ideal Pickup Truck, and the best honor: Ideal Car […]